As someone looking into possibly getting an online presence, you are probably wondering, "how does one spot a great website?" With the vast expanse of the internet, the number of websites out there is unfathomable. However, those few are able to set themselves apart and stand out from the massive crowd. To stand out, they only have to achieve one goal – grab and hold the attention of their primary target audience.
To be considered a great website, it must be able to attract and play to the wants and needs of its target audience members. But, the question remains, how do you determine just what it is your website visitors are looking for? That will be determined by the type of visitor you are looking to appeal to.
With this in mind, there are a few ways of making the visit to your website pleasurable, with the use of a few of the following features.
The primary concern with any website is that it needs to have a purpose, which will be significantly determined by the audience that you are targeting. Vital to understand is to focus on the primary purpose of your website and not go off on several different tangents. Don't interject information that does not stick to the theme of your website, as this will only serve to disappoint your visitors in the long run.
Any website's purpose is to offer a service or some form of information. To that extent, we live in a world filled with information coming from all sides. With the current amount of available data, it has become essential how we take that data and present the information within it. To this end, a well-designed website will have a solid structure, and the information contained there in being categorized and then presented in the most logical manner possible
If your website is structured correctly, you will not have to worry about whether or not your target audience finds themselves lost in a myriad jungle of pages. A great website will navigate its visitors from where they are to where they want to go throughout the pages. A web designer can use virtual breadcrumbs to aid in guiding viewers via the three-click rule. Basically, this rule states that the visitor should be able to view any page on the website in only three clicks of their mouse.
As the world of technology is ever-changing, laptop and desktop computers will soon go the way of the dinosaurs. Most individuals have already made a move to either tablets or smart phones due to their ease of use and portability. For this reason, a mobile-friendly website is an absolute must in today's world. If a website is going to stand out and survive, it will need the ability to continually adapt and change depending on the device accessing it.
Load Time
Today’s website visitor usually multitasks and uses more than one device to do it. For this reason, most users will not have the time or the patience to wait a few extra seconds for the website they are on to load fully. A great website will decrease the load time through image size optimization, javascript compression, code combination, and anything else necessary to ensure that your website will load lightning fast.
SEO Utilization
A recent study estimated that the World Wide Web has over one billion websites running at anytime. When your target audience googles what they are looking for, they do not have time to go through all the websites that come up and usually limit their search to the first page or two and then will move on. Being positioned at the top of the search results, if not on the very first page, is vital if you are going to get your website out there front and enter in front of your target audience. A great website will utilize the perfect keywords to ensure that those visitors who are brought to your site are your target audience.
Here at W6 Media experts in Web Design Houston, we are driven to help your business build the most potent brand possible by using industry-leading technology and marketing strategies. We combine our custom-tailored approach to brand management with award-winningcontent writing to elevate your brand beyond your competition.